Belly inflation quiz

You were kidnapped, and wake up in an empty room. You have no idea what you did to earn this, nor why you do. But little do you know, someone is pulling the strings. Will you make it out alive and in one peice?

It would probably be best to answer question 3 before the others. It has no affect on the outcome, however. Just so you know. The other questions do, though.

Created by: Unnecessary
  1. You find yourself kidnapped, in nothing but your underwear, with your hands and feet bound to your chair. What do you think to do?
  2. It's only a matter of time until you notice something. You blush a bit. Is there... A hose shoved in your rear? What do you think?
  3. Keep your answer in mind when answering - Do you(you being the kidnapped/inflatee)identify as a male, female, Non-Binary, or other? *Again, this has no effect on your results*
  4. You hear a hissing, and soon after, air starts flowing through the hose, right in your rear. Your belly starts to swell a bit in response. What do you think/do?
  5. You couldn't do much, leaving your stomach only to inflate. After a little while of ballooning, the hissing stops. What do you think?
  6. You hear mic feedback, and a voice comes on. "Well, seems you have quite an elastic tummy, don't you?~" How do you respond?
  7. You hear a click, and the hissing returns. You feel air continue to flow into your rear, at an increased rate. You belly starts to balloon about twice as much as before. "Fuhuhu~ You'll be absolutely adorable!" What do you think/do?
  8. Your belly has a diameter about as big as your height. It's huge! And you're still inflating at a rapid rate! Soon enough, you stop ballooning. What do you say?
  9. The figure moves from view, and soon, a door opens and closes. The figure walks up beside you, so you can see them. They remove their mask, and reveal themself as a female. "Well, hello sweetheart~ how are you feeling? I couldn't hear you up there, but I knew you said something." She's holding a remote. What do you say?
  10. "You were quite cute before I gave you this~" she says as she gently strokes your giant belly. "Unfortunately, I've run out of time, so, I'll make you an offer. Keep my secret, and I'll make it worth your while~ What do you say, hon?" How do you respond?

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