Bellarosa Entrance Exam

There are many people who wish to be the best and want to participate in our family but in order to do so you need to take this test and do your best.

Do you have the gut, the gall, the strength, the will power to be a part of this family? Do ya well take this test and prove to everyone you deserve to be a part of the Bellarosa family.

Created by: StazyBellarosa
  1. Who is the Princess of the entire Bellarosa family?
  2. The Bellarosa family fear one person, their name was
  3. Why were the Lerose formed
  4. Who is the leader of the Lerose?
  5. Stazy fears _____ even hearing seeing or saying it sends her into a panic attack.
  6. _____ Thinks they are the hero of the family.
  7. The Lerose family's biggest curse is?
  8. What is Stazy's main elemental power?
  9. Who is the leader of the Akiyma?
  10. What is Agami's twin name?
  11. Who killed Nicole?
  12. Which rose represents the Belladona family?
  13. In what condition was Stazy born?
  14. Who does Stazy fear the most?
  15. Which Bellarosa has the most tragic story?
  16. What is the name of the kingdom Stazy, Seraphina, Achi, Amelia, Amara, and Nibori hail from?
  17. What ability do all of Kirran and Dacilias children share?
  18. Which child was born through Nibori's harem?
  19. Who are the offspring of Veronica and Vencent?
  20. Which is an Akiyama curse?
  21. During the battle for control over the power boxes who fought Shadow when they broke in?
  22. Who is Agami's birth mother?
  23. I Love Twice As Much With Half A _____ Then Someone With A Whole _______.
  24. If an average human stumbled upon the Bellarosa forest what would they see if they approached the mansion?
  25. What happens if you destroy the Bellarosa manor, forest and lake?

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