Beiber fever or Not !

This Quiz is about if you have the fever about justin bieber or not....take this Quiz and find out what its all can find out if you have the fever...

We LOVE justin bieber so much that we cant decide whar else to do it on cause Justin Bieber is stuck in our heads....We have his posters and magazines and every thing about Justin Bieber!!HE ROCKS!!!!

Created by: GV, TB
  1. What Year was Justin Beiber Born
  2. What colour are Justin Beiber's eyes
  3. What is Justin Beiber's mums name
  4. What month was Justin Beiber born
  5. When was Justins first hit single opened to the world
  6. What is Junstin Beibers Middle Name
  7. Who is Justins Best friend
  8. What was Justin Beibers First song called
  9. What was the last song Justin Beiber Created so far called
  10. Who's Justiin Beibers Biggest Crush

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