Begginers twilight quiz

Not that bright?If your a twilight fan but you need some practice before going pro, then this is the quiz for you.Its time to see if your a true fan.Take the quiz and prove that youve done your homework.Come on twilight fans take the begginers test!

Twilight fans should all know the answers to these questions, but are you a true fan.Its time to put your senses to the test with eleven practice questions before going pro.

Created by: Annamika
  1. Who is the youngest vampire?
  2. What is janes best friends name?
  3. what is aros power?
  4. if you could choose to be a vampire which one would you choose? (not effecting score)
  5. what is the name of a twilight soundtrack?
  6. where did bella find out where alic was from?
  7. what colour was edwards eyes before he became a vampire?
  8. what animals did edward eat?
  9. what was rosalies reply to jacob when he through the dog bowl shaped dinner at her head.
  10. what did alice do after 3 mins of playing chess with edward?
  11. Bella is a...

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