Bee Swarm Simulator Quiz

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answer bee swarm simulator questions it wants to be 150 characters long for some reason Get coconut canister before coconut clogs and gets petal wand before canister

It wants this paragraph to be 150 characters long aswell also get gummy mask after coconut gear in the coconut shop which you have to kill coconut crab

Created by: beeswarmquiz
  1. How many hive slots can you have?
  2. How many gumdrops do you need to buy gummy bee
  3. Rarest sprout
  4. How many npc is there that doesn't give quests? May 2023
  5. what do you need to enter dapper bear lair?
  6. What is the most expensive item in the game? May
  7. What is the hardest mob to kill
  8. How much does the supreme saturator cost
  9. Which is the only bee that costs robux?
  10. How much robux does the 2x bee pollen gamepass cost?
  11. How many times can you buy a planter?
  12. Which is the most common drop from the mythic meteor shower?
  13. How many mythic bees do you need to activate the mythic meteor shower?
  14. Can you get a lvl 5 epic puffshroom from a plastic planter
  15. How many npcs give quests may 2023 not travelling quests

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