Bedwetter's Quiz

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Welcome to the Bedwetter's Quiz. Unlike usual diaper quizes, this focuses on bedwetting, so basically there will be alot lf questions involved with wetting the bed.

For this quiz the questions are pretty simple, and every result is a bedwetting category or type, so even of you aren't a bedwetter, you are when you take this quiz which means you now wet the bed. The objective now is to find out why.

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  1. Are you a Bedwetter?
  2. Trick question, everyone here wets the bed even if they don't, now the real first question. When was the last time you wet the bed?
  3. How often do you wet the bed?
  4. Why did you wet the bed last time you did?
  5. Why do you think you wet the bed?
  6. Are you potty trained?
  7. Are you easily scared?
  8. Do you drink alot of water during the day?
  9. What do you wear to bed?
  10. What is your nightly bed setup like?
  11. Has anything really traumatizingly bad ever happened to you?
  12. Is your favourite drink water?
  13. I always do a colour question that matches the results but I'll spice this one up

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