Bed Head or Early Bird?

In the world you are either a bed head or an early bird. A bed head is someone who could sleep the day away. An early bird is someone who gets up and goes down with the sun.

Which one are YOU?? An early bird or a bed head? Find out in this quiz. To tell the truth I'm telling the truth!! You will see if you take this quiz! Enjoy!

Created by: TC
  1. Are you afraid of the dark?
  2. Do you have to have a light on to sleep?
  3. When do you usually get up?
  4. Do you like this quiz?(no effect)?
  5. Are you ever late for school from sleeping in?
  6. What do you do after school?
  7. Do you ever play?
  8. Do you ever play?
  9. What do you do for fun?
  10. What do you think you are?

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