Become an admin!

How well do you know Savage Rbenny's group? how well do you think you will do... well if you are able to get admin Well done! if not hm Try harder i guess

Are YOU a genius? Do you know this server so well...That you can beat my score! Hhahahahhahahah In a few minutes you will find out what your score was..

Created by: Disney
When Will I Die Test
  1. What happened due to people changing others ranks?
  2. Will this group be deleted?
  3. What is #news for?
  4. Why is there no advertising in #general ?
  5. youre stinky.
  6. why am i upset
  7. How long does planning out the server and making ranks take for us?
  8. What is something we hate that happens on our servers?
  9. How old do you think Savage Rbenny is?
  10. Thank you for taking my quiz!

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