Beautiful Secrets Part 17

I made two parts in one day, guys. Are you proud? So there's a different question in the results, feel free to answer it in the comments! Again, thank you for all of the birthday greetings. I love you guys. ♥

Alex Hart has jet black hair, icy blue eyes, a sexy collar bone, and lean muscles. Nick Martinez is more of the athletic type with his nice tan, brown hair like Zac Efron's, gray eyes like a light rainfall, pearly white teeth, and a pretty amazing body. Sam Mitchell is the adorable, quirky, shy one of the bunch with his strawberry blonde hair, green eyes like a freshly mowed lawn, and that one dimple that always gets to you. Zac Anderson is Mr. Seductive. He has dark brown hair, big brown eyes, a nice lean body, and smile that makes your legs go wobbly. Christofer Henderson and his mysterious ways eggs you on to learn more about him with his coal black hair, strange hazel eyes, distinct jaw line, and fit body.

Created by: Dannica
  1. It took me a while to get it, but when I did I made a face at him and he mocked it back at me with a laugh. "I asked Christofer about it earlier but he said he didn't know what I was talking about." "And you believed him?" "I dropped it. It's obvious he doesn't want me to know about it." The class ended with a bang. When the final bell rang for break the class went crazy. There were those overly dramatic girls that hugged everyone in sight, the crazy people that were screaming in excitement, and then there was everyone else who just didn't give a fadoodle about what happened as long as they got a break from this hell hole. Alex and I were amongst those people. I seriously could not care about school at this point.
  2. I heard my name being called and turned around to find Zac coming towards me. Alex nudged me on the shoulder and whispered into my ear, "Remember, he has a girlfriend." "I know that, and so does he," I whispered back. "I'll miss you over break," Zac said as he gave me a hug. I glanced at Alex and then I heard his voice in my head saying, "Did you hear that? He said he was going to miss you." I wondered how he did that; probably one of the perks of his mind powers. "I'll miss you too. But hey, aren't you going to Nick's party tomorrow? We'll see each other then!" Zac nodded with a smile and then did that brotherly high five, hug thing that boys do to Alex. I never quite understood why they didn't just give regular hugs. "I'll see you guys tomorrow then? Well I have to go, bye!" I waved to Zac as he ran to the front and got into his wicked swagged out car. And here Alex and I are, going to be picked up by my Auntie Lisa.
  3. I got into the front seat and slammed the door shut. I was kind of disappointed that I didn't get to see Chrisofer before I left. I mean, I was for sure going to see Nick, Zac, and Sam during break. Who knows when I'll see Christofer; although he did say he was going to the party. "So I just got an email about break. They said it's going to be 3 weeks," Auntie Lisa said, driving away from the parking lot. "Isn't that nice? Nice for me too so that I don't have to waste my gas dropping off and picking you kids up from school. That's quite a hassle, trying to get here and find a nice waiting space. Some parents act like this is a championship for NASCAR. I flipped this soccer mom off once for cutting in front of me. I was about to get out of the car and smash her window open so I could steal her baby's car seat, but I knew it would embarrass you guys so I didn't," she added with a smile. Alex and I laughed as she made a right turn. "Oh um, there's a party tomorrow and Alex and I were invited. Is it cool if we go?" I asked. Auntie Lisa stopped at a red light. "What kind of party is it?" This time Alex answered. "It's a birthday party, so I wouldn't expect any major drugs or drinking there. Not like I do them anyways." Auntie Lisa shrugged. "Go for it. As long as you guys don't get arrested I'm all good. But Alex, dear, please don't let anyone take advantage of my niece. She gets dim sometimes." Alex smiled and said, mocking Christofer, "No worries. I've got her wrapped around my finger."
  4. I flounced my way into the house and headed upstairs to put my hair up and change into my pajamas. I flung my bag somewhere in my room and went to the bathroom so that I could change. I heard the heater come on as I went downstairs. I put my fuzzy socks on and curled up on the couch watching t.v. It was so amazing to come home from school and do nothing for the rest of the day. I heard Alex come downstairs and into the kitchen. The living room and the kitchen were in the same room whereas there's a separate door like in the movies. "Want anything?" He asked me from behind the counter. "Get some Lays," I replied. "Barbecue, regular, or Sour Cream & Onion?" He inquired in the pantry. " choose I don't care." I heard a crunch from the pantry, probably from the bag, and soon Alex was holding the barbecue flavored chips and making his way to the couch. I dug my hand in the bag and got a handful of chips. "Should I wear a dress for the party tomorrow?" I asked thoughtfully. "I mean, I know it's not formal, but would jeans be too casual?" Alex yawned and said, "You could wear that thing you wore on the first day of school. That dress like, short thing."
  5. I laughed and said, "You mean a romper?" "If that's what it's called then yeah," Alex replied. Then the question about Alex and Denise rose up in the back of my mind. I didn't want to pry into his love life but it was constantly gnawing away in my mouth, wanting to just spit it out. "Are you taking Denise Jaminson on a date?" Word vomit. Alex took his eyes off of the t.v screen and smiled like Cheshire the cat from Alice in Wonderland. "Why?" "I'm just curious." "Does it matter?" I hesitated. "No." "Then I guess you wouldn't mind me not clarifying if it is or isn't." "I just want to know," I said, my voice rising and then falling. Alex took a sip of water and shook his head. "She's cute, but personality wise she's not my type." That caught me off guard because Denise was absolutely perfect. "Really? And what in particular is your type?" Alex shrugged. "If I like a girl, I like a girl. It's that simple. The looks attract me, but it's the personality that makes me stay."
  6. I put this into deep thought. If I were in Alex's shoes, would he find my personality fascinating? I mean, I knew I was nerdy, but I always hoped it was in that cute, quirky way. Kind of like Sam's except less shy. The doorbell rang and I went to answer it. Holy crap. Christofer stood there with a smile on his face and it widened when he finished looking me over in my Pikachu pajamas. "ALEX!" I shouted. He came running over expecting it to be an emergency and gave me an annoyed look when I told him to keep Christofer company while I got changed. I wanted to look presentable for Christofer; something I definitely cannot achieve whilst in my Pokemon pajamas. I totally forgot that he was supposed to come over to work on our French project.
  7. I decided to keep on my pajama top, and just change into jeans. I put my hair in a messy bun and went downstairs. Alex and Christofer were watching t.v and once Christofer saw me he stood up and said, "You didn't have to change. You looked cute in those pajamas." He traced my cheek bone with his finger while I just stood there and blushed. "Um, I guess we should start," I suggested. I went into the laundry room and found a poster board, glue, markers, construction paper, and those fancy scissors.I grabbed my half of the research from the top of the computer and hurried back to the living room. I set the stuff on the coffee table in front of Alex and kneeled down, motioning Christofer to do the same like when he did the first time in French class. Christofer put down his half of the research with mine and started cutting things out and backing it with construction paper while Alex watched, amused.
  8. "Do you wanna help?" I asked him. Alex glanced at the t.v screen and then back at me. "No. I'll just stay here and make sure you two don't start making out uncontrollably like you did the last time." Christofer laughed a little while I scoffed, "It was just a small kiss. We weren't making out uncontrollably." "I would have liked to, but considering it was the first date, I didn't want to seem pushy," Christofer put in with a hint of sarcasm. We did half of the project for 30 minutes and then we just stopped and started watching t.v with Alex on the couch. I was sitting in the middle with Alex on my left and Christofer on my right. The second showing of Teen Titans was about to start when Auntie Lisa came downstairs.
  9. She stopped in her tracks when she saw us on the couch. "Oh. No condoms, huh?" That sucks." I made a noise at the back of my throat and felt myself go red. "We don't need any condoms," I said, my voice an octave higher than usual because of the embarrassment this woman has put upon me. "Oh, honey. Just because you're young doesn't mean you can't get pregnant. You ALWAYS need protection or else you'll end up like those girls on MTV. What's that show again? Sixteen and—" "We're just watching t.v!" I cut off in an even louder voice. She ignored me and turned her attention to Christofer. "Aren't you the same boy that was here about two days ago?" Christofer nodded. She turned back to me. "Are there any other guys you'd like to tell me about?" I shook my head no. "Well, there are more guys but I'd rather not tell you about them." "Fine with me. I'm going on a small jog. Be good, kids." She locked the front door behind her and then it was just Alex, Christofer, and me.
  10. "Do you want any food?" I asked Christofer, trying to get everyone's minds off of the past scenario. "I'm good. Thanks," he said with a smile. Then I heard Alex's voice in my head again. 'We should ask him about Oath.' I shook my head slightly, careful not to aware Christofer whom was watching the Teen Titans in action. 'Yeah, or else we'll never get answers.' I rolled my eyes and shooed my hand telling him to just go for it. 'Well I'm not going to do it by myself,' Alex said in my head. Thinking he'd be able to hear me, I thought in my mind, 'Well you're the one that wants to be all pushy about it so you go ahead and start interrogating him and then I'll jump in when I feel like I have to, k? K.' Alex sighed and nodded while I was happy for being able to convince him. Reluctant at first, he said, "Christofer, _______ wanted to desperately ask you something coincidentally before you got here, but I assume it's slipped her mind from the distraction of your project." 'You suck,' I thought, hoping he was still in my head. Apparently he was because when Christofer turned to me to ask what is was he stuck his tongue out at me. Adorable, yet deadly.
  11. Christofer was sitting there waiting for my response and I decided not to try and play games and just blurt it out and get to the point. "Look, we both know that Oath is a person and that you're not telling us the truth. In the park, James or Michael, I forgot, said you shouldn't feel superior because Oath put you in a sort of position and that you wouldn't be there long if you didn't get 'the girl'." Christofer's expression was like a rock's. Very hard to read. "So what exactly are you asking me?" Alex stepped in and answered for me. "Who's Oath? And who's the girl you're talking about?" Christofer looked like he was about to answer, until we heard a big boom from upstairs and glass shattering.

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