Beanie Boo Quiz

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This quiz will show how good you are at beanie boos don't worry if you did bad at least you did your best. You can check on google for more information about beanie boos only after the test.

I hope you enjoy it! Try to be a master in this quiz, this quiz is very hard for some people but a bit easy for a few people. I hope that your results are good at the end of the quiz, good luck!

Created by: Victoria and Olivia
  1. What year where beanie boos invented in?
  2. Which one of these where one of the 1st seven beanie boos?
  3. How many beanie boo lynx are there?
  4. Did beanie boos ever have no sparkles in their eyes?
  5. Which beanie boo looks like kiki the cat but has another name?
  6. When is kiki's birthday?
  7. Are there mermaid beanie boos?
  8. How many beanie boos are there?
  9. What is the name of the horned cat?
  10. What is the name of the horned lion ( male)

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