Be Yourself and be Happy

You are. Very happy positive person you need to think positive and try to smile no matter what and not waste your tears on people who can't see you happy and put you down .🙂🙂😇

Ignore negativity and think about positivity .Try and smile and don't cry cause of people because they are mean because they don't like themselves and they are jealous

Created by: AK1233
  1. Are You a confident person ?
  2. Do you think you are ugly or has someone called u ugly ?
  3. Are u happy being yourself ?
  4. Are u happy at school or college or work ?
  5. Can u promise to try and smile no matter what and be happy ?
  6. Your amazing and you need to know that do u think ur amazing ?
  7. Are u popular at school or college or anywhere else
  8. Do u like Yourself
  9. Have u been bullied (sorry if this Question is hard to answer )I have been bullied 😕
  10. Do u have lots of friends ?
  11. I'm sad all the time I cry all the Time

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Quiz topic: Be myself and be Happy
