Battle for dream island quiz

You will get your bfdi brain IQ at the end every day I think of all the things I'll make with my pans my mixer and my oven tray get the eggs the flower

You got this every day I think of all the things I'll make with my pans my mixer and my oven tray get the eggs the flower and the butter sticks or get

Created by: Ted
  1. How many host are there?
  2. How many seasons are there?
  3. Who is bfb winner
  4. How many people were in the tpot debut
  5. what were the teams in bfb post split
  6. 4 more questions got it
  7. Who are all winners
  8. How many tpot episodes are there
  9. How many hours are there in bfb all episodes
  10. Which annoucer was cake in bfdi 23

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