Bathroom quiz: Do you do it right

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This quiz will reveal if you use the bathroom the correct way. Don’t worry! Just answer the best you can! It will inform you, what you need to practice and what you’ve already mastered.

GO FOR IT! I believe in you. This quiz teaches you good bathroom habits. It is important to do these thing to make sure everyone has a good bathroom experience. Not that it matters. But Still!

Created by: Glittergirl
  1. You walk into the restaurant bathroom one stall has a person in it. There is one other stall. What do you do?
  2. You walk into the wrong bathroom you:
  3. Your desperate to go to the bathroom. The only bathroom there is just so happens to be a porta potty do you use it?
  4. Your walking around a public area( grocery store, mall, restaurant etc.) and you can’t find the bathroom. You:
  5. If you are on a road trip and you have to pee do you:
  6. Your at you friend’s house and you have to use the bathroom. You
  7. You are having a lot of fun. Do you stop to use the restroom?
  8. You are at school. It is the middle of a lesson. You have to use the bathroom. You:
  9. You are in the middle of a fancy meal and you have to go the bathroom. What do you do?
  10. You see a bathroom sign. You can’t tell which is women and which is men. You:

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Quiz topic: Bathroom quiz: do I do it right
