Basketball Career decison test

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basketball is a sport that holds dearly in your heart. this is your career and you choose what you pick.febfewbfkbwekhfbehkfbewhkfbwekbfkwehbfkhewbfkh

This is what you picked so blah bamkdfnefwjfbwrbghrwbifewbigwgbweihfbewihbfihewbfihewbfihewbihfbewihfbewf hefkhewfhkewbfkewbfkewbfjbekfbwejbfkjewbfkjbfkjewbjf

Created by: jojo
  1. What would you do in this situation?: down 88-85 with 3.8 seconds left inbounding the ball from half court after calling a timeout.
  2. After waisting multiple years on a team that provides nothing but loss to you what will you do?
  3. your having an off game and your heading into half time with 5 points,0rebounds,2assists and 3 TOV going 2-11 from the field, what do you do?
  4. What is your skill?
  5. do you watch basketball?, what team is your fan?
  6. Before you made it to the NBA which college did you go to
  7. how long were you at college for
  8. how much money are you getting paid per year in the nba
  9. your team is up 100-76 and you got hurt what do you do
  10. how do you think you finish your career

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