Basic Knowledge You Should Know Quiz

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Hi there! This quiz is all about basic knowledge that you should know. Here are some tips and tricks to taking this quiz. 1. Take your time: Don’t rush! If you do, your more likely to get a lower score than you should have gotten.

2: Do your best: If you try your best you will get a better score! 3: Think Through It: If you don’t know the answer too a question, think it through. You can change more of your answers that way. 4: Take your best guess: If you’re stuck on a question, just take your best guess and move on. Okay, GO FOR IT!

Created by: Glittergirl822
  1. Who was the first American president?
  2. How to people travel long distances?
  3. What food can you get protein from?
  4. What is the capital of the United States?
  5. What is the symbol that symbolizes restrooms?
  6. What is the tallest mountain on earth?
  7. Which of these songs is from a Disney Movie? ( It cannot be from Pixar)
  8. Which movie company made the movie Trolls?
  9. Which of these options are a vowel?
  10. Finish the name of the Ice Cream Flavor: _____________ Chocolate Chip.

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