Based on Your Snack Tastes, Where Should you Travel?

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Warning: don't take this quiz when you're hungry! Choose your favorite snack option from each category and find out where in the world you should travel.

Go off of what you're in the mood for right now, and take it again if you want a different travel destination! There are a couple non-snacky questions thrown in for fun as well.

Created by: rhouser
  1. Choose a breakfast snack:
  2. Choose a lunch snack:
  3. Choose a dinner snack:
  4. Choose an after school/work snack:
  5. Choose a cookie:
  6. Choose a donut:
  7. Choose an exotic snack:
  8. Choose another exotic snack:
  9. (unrelated to snacks) Choose where you'd want to live:
  10. (unrelated to snacks) Choose an activity:

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Quiz topic: Based on my Snack Tastes, Where should I Travel?
