Bad Girls Club Season 16

Many People say They Love Watching the bad Girls Club & they watched every season & know every girls name .. but I don't think there a expert like me ,

Are You A Bad Girl Club Watcher ? Do You Think You Can Ace The Answer to my question ? You seem confident , well why don't you come take my quiz shorty to find out if you a bad Bihhh !

Created by: Kashy K
  1. Who Was The First Person To Leave The Bad Girls Club House ?
  2. Who Pushed Kailie From behind ?
  3. Why Was Nobody Feeling Wiinter At First ?
  4. Why Did Brynesha & Zee Fight ?
  5. Why did Elledria Go Home ?
  6. What was kandy ?
  7. Why did brynesha fight Kandy ?
  8. Who was the last Orginal ?
  9. Who Disrespected brynesha kids ?
  10. Did Kandy Kiss Zee ?

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