Babysitting Quiz 202

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This is a babysitting quiz to test your knowledge on kids! And babysitting! Have fun, peace out.. ✌So i’ve got to put 150 words in this description so all done.

I must do it here too! Eeek- goodluck. Here is a made up goodluck wish. alalalalallalalalalallalallalalalalalallalalalalallalalalalaalalallalalallala!

Created by: PinkSofa92
  1. How old are you?
  2. How many times a day should children brush their teeth?
  3. If the kid you’re watching needs help with his homework, you should-
  4. How much experience do you have with children do you have?
  5. How do you prevent choking? (when you’re babysitting)
  6. How would you tuck the kids into bed?
  7. Do you like kids?
  8. Are you CPR certified? Have you taken a CPR course?
  9. 9. You were playing with little Marcie, she got a cut!
  10. If a (n) disaster/injury happened, what should you do?

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