Baby Names Popularity Quiz

Think you know all there is to know about the popularity of baby names? Think again! This quiz will challenge you to the very CORE OF YOUR SOUL. Also, it's fun mindless entertainment.

All of the names are taken from the 2007 Top 1000 Baby Names. The names are gathered from social security information. And remember-- SPELLING COUNTS. Brandon and Branden are not the same name, and one is more popular than the other.

Created by: Julie
  1. Which of the following GIRLS' names is the MOST popular?
  2. Which of the following GIRLS' names is the LEAST popular?
  3. Which of the following BOYS' names is the MOST popular?
  4. Which of the following BOYS' names is the LEAST popular?
  5. Four of these BOYS' names are in the top 100. One is not even in the top 300. Which one is LEAST popular?
  6. Four of these GIRLS' names are in the top 100. One is not even in the top 300. Which one is the LEAST popular?
  7. Which BOYS' name below is in the bottom 100 of the Top 1000 for 2007?
  8. Which of the following GIRLS' names is in the bottom 100 of the Top 1000 Names?
  9. Which of the following GIRLS' names is the MOST popular? (Spelling is important!)
  10. Which of the following BOYS' names is the LEAST popular?

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