aWeSomE qUiZ tO sEe wHo yOu ArE

These series of questions will define who you are, and bring meaning to your lowly existence. Maybe you will even learn a lesson or two! This quiz required you to be as dumb as possible.

I am writing here simply to fill in space. This dumb quiz thing required two paragragphs. ah, there we go. Now, come on. Try it! after all, W H A T S T H E W O R S T T H A T C A N H A P P E N ?

Created by: I snort smarties
  1. Do you sometimes wonder what the point of life is?
  2. Whenever you feel sad, what do you do?
  3. If one of your loved ones died due to an accident caused by another loved one, what would you do?
  4. well this question doesn't do anything, just filler. THis wont count to your score.
  5. ∴⍑|| ⍑∷ ⊣⊣ ? !¡ ∴ ∷ ∴⍑ ⍊∷ ∴∷ ||⚍ ∴ . Y⚍∷ ⎓ ↸' ∷ ⍑∷ ∴||.
  6. well idk what to ask here.
  7. just click anything. nothing really counts anymore :(
  8. there's no point in going on. depression shall follow, then a pointless death to end my unnecessary existencial dread. :(
  9. nothing matters. reality is fate. control over life is an illusion.
  10. this is the end, of both this quiz, and your sanity.

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