AVMA 150th Anniversary Trivia Quiz #6

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The American Veterinary Medical Association is celebrating its 150th Anniversary in 2013. A lot has changed since 1863--for the AVMA and for veterinary medicine.

We've been posting bits of trivia over the past two weeks on our social media accounts. Have you been paying attention? Take the following quiz to see how much you know about the history of the AVMA and veterinary profession.

Created by: AVMA of AVMA
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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. In 1712, the first American book to discuss animal disease was published. What was its title?
  2. In what year was the Women's Auxiliary to the AVMA formed?
  3. Veterinarian Daniel Salmon is best known today for identifying (and giving his name to) what medical condition?
  4. Dr. Daniel Salmon became the first person in the United States to earn a DVM degree following his graduation from what school's veterinary program?
  5. What is the oldest veterinary school in the United States or Canada?
  6. In 1910, the AVMA held its first annual meeting on the West Coast when it met in what city?
  7. What common symbol of medicine is featured on the AVMA logo?
  8. In 1923, the AVMA established its first headquarters when it leased office space in what city?
  9. In 1908, former AVMA President Leonard Pearson diagnosed what livestock disease for the first time in the United States?
  10. In 1914, the AVMA's annual meeting, scheduled for December in New Orleans, was canceled for what reason?

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