Avengers life story update!

Ok this is an update for the Avengers Life Story quiz. Please read the other quizzes before you read this one if you have not read them. I hope you like it!

This quiz will determine the fate of the quizzes. Please write your opinion in the comment section and tell me all you ideas and answers. Thank you for taking this quiz!

Created by: Dragondrawer126
  1. HI guys I'm back!
  2. Sorry I've been gone all summer! I've been planning for the next Avengers Life Story quiz and I think I've come up with something...
  3. So we left off with Lexi asking Baron Strucker where Loxi's specter was, right?
  4. The next part will be coming out soon, but I want to talk about future quizzes. Such as, Captain America Civil War, Infinity War, and Endgame.
  5. But I also want to take it to different levels. If you've watched the Spider-Man series that used to be on Netflix, that's what I'm talking about. If you haven't, go watch it. The main character is Lillian Parker, Spider-Man's sister.
  6. So should I finish Lexi's story and then start Lillian's, or release Lillian's first few quizzes?
  7. Please give me your opinion in the comment section.
  9. rate
  10. BYE!!!

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