Avatar : The last aeibender quiz

There are many smart people in the world but there aren't as many geniuses in the world. But hey if you try hard enough and put all your effort in it you can be a genius too!

This quiz is about the Avatar series it covers a lot of points in the book 2 season but has a few other questions in it you might know. Please notice there are some errors in my quiz, not that I am a bad speller, but these foreign words are hard to spell sometimes. Please enjoy the quiz.

Created by: Tommy

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Who gives Zuko his scar?
  2. On Zuko's dagger that he recieves from Iroh in the episode Zuko Alone, what does it say (its not made in earth kingdom)
  3. Who is Aang's old friend from the fire nation?
  4. Azula was named after firelord Azulon?
  5. Zuko is the older brother of Azula?
  6. What is the cycle of the avatar?
  7. Who speaks the beginning?
  8. What is the symbol of the Bay-Fong family (Toph's family)?
  9. In the episode The desert what does Sokka drink to make him seemed "drunk"
  10. Who is older Ozai or Iroh?
  11. In the episode Tales of ba-sing say (probably mispelled) Sokka runs into a haiku club, finish this line I am so sorry! somthing struck me in the rear, i just ______________________
  12. Which of these bending-animal matches are wrong?
  13. What animal gives Aang the gift to take bending away?
  14. Who names a saber-tooth mooselion foofoocuddlypoops
  15. Finish this line Do you want to go______________________

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