Do you watch avatar the last airbender? if you dont, leave this quiz and START WATCHING IT. if you do watch it, this quiz could be easy. And if you watch it alot and pay attention to small things, youll get all these right!

Even if you watch the show, you might not get all the questions right, such as questions 5 and 9. But If you pay attention to the show, you will get them all right! (as long as you've watched the first 2 seasons and the first 5 episodes of season 3)

Created by: thingomatic
  1. First question, if you dont know this your dumb. whos the avatar?
  2. What does zuko need to do to restore his honor?
  3. what does momo mean in Japanese?
  4. On the episode, "Sokka's master" what is Sokka's sword made out of?
  5. How does toph "see" whats happening, even though shes blind?
  6. Where and what side is zuko's scar 0n?
  7. Who showed Toph how to earthbend?
  8. How much stomachs does Appa have?
  9. Where is Ang discovered in the first episode?
  10. Who is the blue spirit?
  11. What day is the solar eclipse on?

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