Atoms and Molecules

This is a quiz to be done after you have read about Atoms and Molecules at . Please complete the quiz and see how much you get, so you know how well you understand this topic.

This quiz is a summary quiz of what was said in Atoms and Molecules on . You should not be getting less than 80% for this test. Good luck!

Created by: howmatter
  1. What does an atom consist of?
  2. What is the relative mass of an electron?
  3. What do nucleus contain?
  4. An atom loses or gains _____ to form ions.
  5. Molecules that contain the same type of atoms are called Molecules of ______. (e.g. ______)
  6. Molecules can be represented by _____.
  7. An element is made up of _______ of ____.
  8. What is the relative charge of neutrons?
  9. What is the relative mass of protons?
  10. An atom may combine with other atoms to form __________.

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