Army Position Quiz

There are many smart people in this world, but few true geniuses are you amazing enough to be classed as a geniuses. Try my test and you could be finishing with a smile on your face.

Well if you are guess what position you would be in the army you are a true geniuses and see for yourself if you are correct. In minutes you will see what position you could be in the army in the near future.

Created by: Connor
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. have you ever drove a car
  2. how long can you hold your breath
  3. have you ever fired a gun
  4. have you ever seen
  5. how good are you at games like manhunt and hide and seek
  6. is there a difference between a clip and a magazine
  7. how fast are you
  8. what is the best way to defend a position
  9. your buddy is injured, he has a bullet in his shoulder what do you do
  10. if your team is in trouble, heavily surrounded, what do you do
  11. when you are injured what do you do
  12. which weapon would you bring

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