are you young in the soul

Are you still willing to go outside have fun under to sun or are just to lazy old in the soul boring self centered and self greedy or are kind i bet you are kind it's time to find out...

Welcome welcome welcome to the quiz of you dreams it's time to see if you are "YOUNG IN THE SOUL!" Now you'll truly know if you are cause this quiz invites you to opportunity so take this quiz

Created by: Karen wetner
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is your favorite color?
  2. What do you do when your lost?
  3. Why are you taking this quiz?
  4. What dose your name start with?
  5. What is your favorite show/movie
  6. Are monster's real?
  7. What power do you want?
  8. What time do you have lunch
  9. Do you feel like this quiz is never going to end?
  10. What kind of sea creature are you?

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Quiz topic: Am I young in the soul