Are You Worthy To Join Dark Hitmen? (COC Clan)

hey u R REALLY smart and thankyou for showing ur skills her i hope u had a wonderful time taking my quiz and hope u will go the others i have and have blast

Are u a absolute genius are smart enough to go through my legendary quiz i bet u are cause u will do amazing on this quiz i have full faith in u bro go get it!

Created by: BananaMan
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. You Destroyed an Air Defense from the left side which side do your send in your dragons from?
  2. You dont have any cc troops and theres only 1 hour left before war ends and you need 3 stars to win the guy thats supposed to give u troops said hell be back when theres 5 mins left what do u do?
  3. theres a new player whos asking for co and u dont quite tust him but the co are giving him co how would u persuade them to stop?
  4. You are told to do a Hog attack but u really wanna save your dark for your queen what do u do?
  5. You know ure going to be really busy tomorrow and u wont be able to attack in war but u really need the loot u might geta chance to get on and attack what do u do?
  6. ur closest member in the clan just got kicked what do u do?
  7. u have an exam tomorrow but u havent attacked in war not even once and ur attacks are needed but ur parents told u to study for ur exam u really need to study for ur exam your reaction?
  8. u forgot to change ur war base back from troll to war base again and u have angry clanmates waiting for answers becoz u were on chat while war started and everyone reminded u to change ur abse but u kept saying that u'll do it late what do u say?
  9. U have already started ur attack but ur leaving to go to the beach taht u have been waiting for but the loot on the base is really good and and ure leaveing RIGHT AT THAT MOMENT what do u do?
  10. OK final Question Will you ever beg for co/elder?

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Quiz topic: Am I Worthy To Join Dark Hitmen? (COC Clan)