Are You Worthy of Owning a Dragon?

There are many people who might want to own dragons. Are YOU one of those people? Come in and find out if YOU can own a dragon of your very own!!!!!!!

Are YOU destined to be a first place winner? Find out here! Do you have the qualities required to have a dragon? Maybe, yes? Come on in, then! You might win!

Created by: e
  1. If you found a dragon's egg in a haunted forest, what would you do?
  2. Are you scared of dragons?
  3. If a dragon hatched in your house, what would you do?
  4. Are you responsible enough to care for a dog?
  5. Do you have a 720 foot yard? If not, you can't... (IN ALL HONESTY)
  6. Are you willing to give it seven pounds of meat a day?
  7. Do you have HUGE cleaning utensils?
  8. Do you and your family mind sleep?
  9. If you had a dragon, do you mind the thumps?
  10. What if you dragon layed another egg?
  11. Are you bored?

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Quiz topic: Am I Worthy of Owning a Dragon?