Are You Worthy Of Lifting Mjolnir?

So, no shade to the other quiz creators, but their quizzes were a bit... predictable. If mine is too, please tell me, but some of the other quizzes were just about if your personality is close to Thor's, not if you have a good personality. Hopefully, this isn't too shabby.

This test is the first test I've created, and I'm sorry if it's bad. Do leave some feedback if you can to help me improve upon my quiz making abilities as I definitely want to make more in the future. Thank you!

Created by: al
  1. We're gonna start with some scenarios, but first, hi!
  2. Okay then! Situation one, a woman screams from a dark alley. She's being robbed! Quick, what do you do?
  3. Next situation. You see a man's grocery bag break, and some oranges roll out onto the street. At the same time, you see a car come speeding down the road towards him. What do you do?
  4. Now a couple of less predictable happenings. Let's say a friend invites you to a pride festival. (disregarding COVID here.) As it turns out, they are transgender. What is your reaction
  5. Okay, how about this. What is your general opinion on kindness and kind people?
  6. Okay, now more into like, little stuff. What's your favorite color?
  7. Almost there! How're ya holding up?
  8. Alrighty, three more after this. Choose a word.
  9. Choose one.
  10. Choose a weapon.
  11. Okay, last one. And all of the questions except this one count, no matter how bull it may seem. How did i do?

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Quiz topic: Am I Worthy Of Lifting Mjolnir?
