Are you Worth it?

Created by: Gemma

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. The school bully walks up to you and teases you about your awful clothes. But you love them! You
  2. If your crush doesn't like you back, it's probably because
  3. Your friend is getting bullied. What do YOU do?
  4. What are you usually doing during the school year?
  5. You try to talk to your crush, but he just looks at you disgustedly. You
  6. Do you have a lot of friends? If so, why?
  7. Do you work hard?
  8. What type of person are you?
  9. Most important, do YOU think you're worth it?
  10. Did you like this quiz? (no effect on score)

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Quiz topic: Am I Worth it?