Are You Worth 1 Million Dollars!

There was once a burger shop owner sold his head fry cook for 62 Cents! Other owners sold other people for less than 10 dollars! Will you wind up like that?

Or... will you walk the Red Carpet? You could be sold to Hollywood for half a million or more! Or Maybe just the triple thousands! Try This quiz to test your future!

Created by: Ellie
  1. What would you do if caught a thief in your house/home/whatever you live in?
  2. Have you ever Run a 10K?
  3. What is your favorite out of these? (just to boost scores)
  4. How good are your grades?
  5. Do you want to go to college?
  6. What does 'Herrin der Lage" mean?
  7. If you were asked to shoot a movie and get paid 1,000 dollars, what would you say?
  8. Are you single?
  9. Are you French?
  10. How would you rate this quiz? (One as the worst and 10 as the best)

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Quiz topic: Am I Worth 1 Million Dollars!