Are you weird or not quiz

Yo wassup I'm bored so I be makin did quiz as ya know dis is to see if yo weird or not if it's high don't feel bad I'm not good at making quizzes and did is definitely not accurate on any level

So just answer da questions and den you get a totally inaccurate result in fact my quizzes define inaccurate so remember if you get high don't take it personally

Created by: E.
  1. Pineapple on pizza
  2. Last question do u believe did is as last question
  3. What's ur gender
  4. Do u have friends
  5. Do u think I ur wierd
  6. do u simp
  7. Do u treat everybody with the dignity they have
  8. Do u want a be wierd
  9. Do u watch christmas stuff in the wrong season
  10. Ok final question wHaTs Ur fAVor1tE CoLOr
  11. Ok da last question did nothing so I need one more ar ur friends wierd

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Quiz topic: Am I weird or not quiz

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