Are you very smart?

hello. are you smart when it comes to kindergarten stuff? if so you deserve to go to grade 1. If you have already, its like a review! and it coasts no cash!

do you know these answers????????? well if you don't, GO SMELL A SOCK but if you do you have gained my trust and respect. And trust me that's a hard thing to do

Created by: tristan
  1. What is 2+2?
  2. Where did more then 70 percent of Canada come from?
  3. Why is earth round
  4. erguhughgh3lg.54
  5. where is the most populated country?
  6. Do you like this quiz?
  7. is the goldfish back?
  8. is your name john
  10. last question. Are you sigle

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Quiz topic: Am I very smart?