Are you Vanossgaming or H20 Delirious?

This is a quiz where you find out who you are more like. This is for laughs and Im extremely tired. Its like 12. Hell me. Question nine halp and I need more characters

Why is there two paragraphs? Halp I NEED MORE CHARACTERS SO IM BOTCHING THIS IM SORRY AHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love question nine. W A K E M E U P

Created by: Katie
  1. Do you like making music
  2. Do you like stuffed animals?
  3. Do you like to keep your face hidden?
  4. How did you meet your best friend?
  5. Wordz.
  6. Which one sounds like you?
  7. What is you at a party?
  8. Height
  9. Wake me up
  10. Laugh

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Quiz topic: Am I Vanossgaming or H20 Delirious?
