Are You Unusual?

There is normal, then there is unusual. Can you live with that title, or would you rather die than be known as unusual of insane? Find out now. I hope you can find your true calling in this quiz.

Can YOU live with being unusual. can you, well be all you can be by taking a simple little quiz that could make you weird or dull, take the quiz, show your true insanity.

Created by: AArON
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you like pie?
  2. What is your favorite Food
  3. I say potato. You say....
  4. Are you normal
  5. Is this a good quiz
  6. 123..
  7. Is Bacon good
  8. Are you sad that this quiz is only two questions from being over
  9. Is 11 a cool number
  10. Are you glad the quiz is over

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Quiz topic: Am I Unusual?