Are you Uhh-mazingly awesome or dully boring?

Their are many awesome peeps out their but more losers than awesomeness peeps u know yeah anyways this test will tll u if u hav what it takes to be pronounced awesome!

Are you Awesome??? Find out now! Dont even read the rest of this parograph just go take it now!! I love u BTW!!!! :) B) :) B) ;) B0 I love cheese and dinoes and pigs. Y r u reading this go take the damn quiz!

Created by: Non ur biz

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. If you had 1 million dolars what would you spend it on?
  2. If you had the chance to date a super star who would it be?(GIRL VERSION)
  3. If you had to date a super star who would it be?(GUY VERSION)
  4. Whats the coolest animal?
  5. Whats ur fav color?
  6. What is ur hobbie?
  7. Do you think u will be awesome ir boring?
  8. Whast the best noice?
  9. Have you ever been called awesome?
  10. What undies do u wear?
  11. Are you pretty or ugly?
  12. Are you gorgeous naked?
  13. Last question did yo like da quiz?

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Quiz topic: Am I Uhh-mazingly awesome or dully boring?