Are you ugly or gorgeous

ok, so we will reveal your reality. ugly, average or beautiful! subscribe to Saraloveskittys on youtube. She inspired me to make this :) and subscribe to my channel called blue potato

I have a tip; how to be loved: be kind, no one likes rude people I'm actually serious rude people get treated like trash and everyone hates them. Why would someone like a rude a--hole?

Created by: Soda of Saraloveskittys YouTube
(your link here more info)
  1. Hair...
  2. Eyes
  3. How often do you start fights? (REAL fights)
  4. did you ever bully someone?
  5. what do you think?
  6. Don't answer this xD
  7. dont answer this
  8. dont answer this
  9. dont answer this
  10. dont answer this

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Quiz topic: Am I ugly or gorgeous
