are you truly loved?

stahp with all the write this and write that i want to hurry up and make a quiz damnit.15O,one hundred and fifty stankin letters i mean really,few read this any way,i love my rollercoasters nice and toasty

some people need to be real.Stop with the fake booty,fake eyelashes,fake nails,fake boobies,fake hair,fake tan,its hideous people.You look like freakin misses potatoe it for the sake of humankind

Created by: meerkat
  1. what is your thoughts daily
  2. do you have true best friends
  3. what is your favorite color
  4. are you bullied
  5. do you get complimented alot
  6. are you in a single parent family
  7. when walking or talking with friends do you get cut off or interupte
  8. do people listen to you
  9. popularity
  10. do people criticize you
  11. thank you:)

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Quiz topic: Am I truly loved?