are you trully inlove

In this quz you will finde out if you inlove with your partner are just togethe. three is only to two outcomes one is good and one is bad. can you take the answer to to this quiz are do you wont o pretend you didn't see this quiz?

So are you trully inlove? are do u think your inlove. this test will tell you if your inlove are not. so lets see whats your true emotion for your partner is love are no love at all if not o bad for you go finde someone else

Created by: amb123132
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. what would you do if somebody was talkin bad about your partner and they didnt know you was their bf/gf and they where saying it to your face?
  2. would u rather go out and get drunk are spend time doing nutthing but sit next to your partner?
  3. would you hug another pearson infront of your partner?
  4. would you bring up you one of you x's to them
  5. would you kiss them infront of somebody else
  6. do u tell your partner u love them?
  7. would u die for them?
  8. do u think about them all the time?
  9. would you laff at them
  10. do u hold them dear

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Quiz topic: Am I trully inlove