Are you transgender?

Are you unsure of your gender orientation? some people have thought they were one gender but turned out to have desires to be the opposite. Are you one of them?

The answer choices you choose are what you believe. It is not up to me to decide your gender orientation. I hope you enjoy living in the gender of your choice!

Created by: theoneandonlyash
When Will I Die Test
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Did you answer the gender question according to what you believe you are?
  2. Have you had sexual encounters with the same sex and felt you should have been male/female?
  3. Do you enjoy wearing male/female clothing?
  4. Have you ever told people to call you by feminine/masculine pronouns? (he/she they/them etc.)
  5. Have you ever came out as gay/lesbian then thought you were the opposite gender?
  6. Have you ever cross dressed?
  7. Have you ever thought of sex reassignment surgery?
  8. Have you ever had the desire to do more feminine/masculine things?
  9. Have you ever been in a relationship where you were the more feminine/masculine partner?
  10. Have you thought of coming out as transgender to your parents? Extended family? Friends?

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Quiz topic: Am I transgender?