Are You Transgender

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This is a quiz to tell if your Transgender or not.The rest is gonna be blank so just read the first sentence of this and don't read the rest okay. Don't waste your time.

This is gonna be blank. So don't read this okay. It's a waste of your time. Just don't read this. I'm lazy I know and I'm fine with that. But I love myself.

Created by: Wolf Fang of My YouTube Channel
(your link here more info)
  1. If you were called male pronouns everyday how would you react?
  2. If you were called female pronouns everyday how would you react?
  3. What would you do if you saw a Transgender person getting bullied?
  4. What would you do if you saw a Transgender person drinking at a bar and then suddenly the Transgender person passes out?
  5. what would you do if you saw a Transgender person getting raped?
  6. Do you hate Transgender people?
  7. Do you support the LGBTQ+ community?
  8. Do you hate on the LGBTQ+ community?
  9. Do you support Transgender people?
  10. Do you spread hat to Transgender people?
  11. Do you spread hate to Transgender people?

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Quiz topic: Am I Transgender
