Are you toxic in super mario maker 2 online.

Hello this is a quiz about super mario maker 2, and also if you don't know me, my name is Cheese. Ok guys, anyways this is a quiz about super mario maker 2.

Also if you don't know what super mario maker 2 is, its basiclly a game where your supposed to go to co-op or competitve mode and play. You need to try to get as many viruses deleted and there is a timer of 500 seconds too.

Created by: Cheese
  1. If you saw a green shell, what would you do.
  2. If you got the key you would...
  3. If you grabbed someone you would..
  4. What do you do in co-op?
  5. If you saw someone black in the versus match, you would...
  6. Download virus?
  7. Anyways next page now.
  8. nnacirfagnikcufeiduoyepohIregginssahctibahucserauoy
  9. Nothing much ok?
  10. Who am I?

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Quiz topic: Am I toxic in super mario maker 2 online.
