Are you tough, or wimpy | Comments
Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz Are you tough, or wimpy.
Are you tough, or wimpy
Your Result: You are tough! 93%You can withstand all pain than people can bring. You don't back down, but go towards and make others back down!!!!!!!!! You make people tremble and fear you!
84% You are sorta tough
19% You are wimpy
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Dude, I'm not wimpy. I smack the people on my bus on the side of these head, they try to smack me back, it don't hurt. People kick me, it don't hurt, I don't care if people TRY to hurt me, but I get used to it after having to go through a year of school with a person that likes to hurt me!!!
Tough,thanks I guess but I feel like this is only geared towards physically and not mentally. I think being mentally tough is more important than physical but whatever.
Zimswife1 -
Are you tough, or wimpy
Your Result: You are tough!You can withstand all pain than people can bring. You don't back down, but go towards and make others back down!!!!!!!!! You make people tremble and fear you!
i get told im sorta tough thats bull s---t
i have lived most of my life in hospital survivny with heaps of medical problems with cameras in my face, near death times but im sorta tough?
Biicky1 -
I'm not sorta tough I'm am fully tough
You are tough!
BabyGirl1 -
i got sorta tough but this quiz stinks
i'm a wimp. lol.
misskiss1 -
lolz, my wimpy rating thing had a lil' sliver of red, lol. im 5'8" at 120 lbs... lmao. it said i was overall sorta tough, lol.
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