Are you Tikki or Plagg?

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Have you ever watched Miraculous Ladybug? Have you ever wondered if you were Tikki or Plagg? Then this is the quiz for you! But before you start......

....... only choose the answers that are really YOU!!! For example, let's say out of the two, Tikki is your favorite. Don't choose the answers that sound like they could give you Tikki points, choose the answers that describe YOU. That way, your final score is surprising.

Created by: Clara
  1. Which word best describes you?
  2. What's your gender?
  3. Cheese or cookies?
  4. Who is your favorite kwami?
  5. How do you spend your free time?
  6. If you were any kwami, what would your miraculous be?
  7. Do you give advice?
  8. Do you look young for your age?
  9. Choose a saying.
  10. Why are you taking this quiz? (Has NO effect)
  11. Do you share?
  12. Last question. Did you like this quiz?

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Quiz topic: Am I Tikki or Plagg?
