Are You Thy Holy Jesus?

Jesus rules all the land, and Thy Jesus can walk among thou holy water. Be nice to thy Jesus, for he is the power. He can banish you from thou existence

We shall find out thy true identity of you. Are you Jesus? Are you the one? Can you walk among thou holy water and banish thee sinners from existence?

Created by: Karen
  1. Do you believe you are Jesus
  2. Can you walk on thy holy water?
  3. Can you heal thee sick by touching them
  4. Where do you live
  5. Can you banish thy sinners?
  6. Can you swim on thy holy land
  7. Do you wear thy holy Jesus robe?
  8. Do you know my name?
  9. Do you love all thy people?
  10. Do you know thy calculis

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Quiz topic: Am I Thy Holy Jesus?
