are you thick or brainy?

They are some people who are so brainy they get or got As and A*. But they are also some people who got not so many good marks because they did not like school or they was too naughty.

Do you think you are brainy? Do you think you can take on this ultimate quiz? Do you have magical brain power where you can answer any questions and not even think about it? If you do then take this quiz, if you don't think then turn away now

Created by: Emily Price
  1. Are you thick or brainy?
  2. What is 1+1?
  3. What is 2+2
  4. What is 4+4?
  5. What is 8+8?
  6. What is 16+16?
  7. What is 32+32?
  8. What is 64+64?
  9. What is 128+128?
  10. What was the first question I asked you?

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Quiz topic: Am I thick or brainy?