Are you the Writer or Doer?

Write-it Do-it is a very popular event in Science Olympiad. This is a permanent event for Divisions B and C, and probably Division A. This event has two people in it, the Writers and the Doers.

The Writers come in the event when it starts, and looks at an object. They must explain to their partner (who is the Doer) on how to build the object. The Doer comes in after 20 minutes when the event starts. They are handed their instructions written by their partner. The writer "Writes", while the Doer "Do's".

Created by: The Doer
  1. Can you write fast?
  2. Do you have trust in your partner?
  3. Are you good at not being late?
  4. Is your handwriting good?
  5. Can you clearly communicate your ideas?
  6. Can you understand what your partner is saying?
  7. Are you good at identifying objects?
  8. Can you control your hands well? (Maneuver them in difficult ways)
  9. You see something that is cool, and you know that you are forbidden from touching it. Will you touch it?
  10. Are you good at explaining how to do something, even if you aren't doing it?

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Quiz topic: Am I the Writer or Doer?
