Are you The Super Mega Gleek

there are many gleeks but only one Super Mega Gleek could it be you!!! the website is making my write more words so im going to say random stuff hotfrog pegusus pheonix

are you the Super Mega Gleek do you have the knowledge it takes to pass do you O__O !!!the website is unicon sorry what was i saying oh yeah once apon a time wait no oh yea i am Boxxy you see no that's not it i can't remember oh well bye......b***h

Created by: GleekChick53
  1. what was the first song ever sung by the new directions?
  2. What song did Kurt and Rachel Battle over to get the solo?
  3. What is Blaine's last name
  4. who plays carl the dentist?
  5. who was kurt's first kiss?
  6. before he came out of the closet in season 1 who was Kurt's crush
  7. why did sam leave the new directions?
  8. when did Mr.Schue come up with the name "New Directions"?
  9. who did Kurt first admit he was gay too
  10. who is the true b***h of the new directions of all time ever?
  11. what is the offical Finn and Kurt nickname did Finn give them?
  12. what's a Unicorn?
  13. what episode did Blaine say "sweet but not on your team"
  14. what is the name of one of the most famous glee scenes that was taken out of an episode?
  15. what star wars character was in artie's christmas dream?
  16. what song is quinn and Puck's baby named after?
  17. who were the very first willing(first episode) members of the glee club
  18. what movie was the season 4 christmas episode based off of
  19. what was Burt's gift to Kurt
  20. what does Blaine ask Burt to talk to Kurt about?
  21. FINAL QUESTION on the season 4 christmas episode where were Kurt and Burt whe n Burt told Kurt some earth shattering (yet totally predictable) newz
  22. JK that wasn't the last one What was the Newz that Burt told Kurt
  23. who is Marley Roses mom
  24. why did Klaine break up
  25. what does the term "you're such a Sebastion" mean (it's a joke me and my friends have)
  26. who said "Jesus" in the season 3 christmas episode
  27. ok final question ok what image does Finn use to cool himself off when making out
  28. Do you know who I am

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Quiz topic: Am I The Super Mega Gleek