Are You The Popular Jerk or The Nice Person

Everyone has been labeled.Weather your in highschool of Pre-K....Your still labeled.Some people have a bigger,well known label than others.Labels can hurt,or make you feel alot better.

What do I label YOU?????????Are you the popular jerk,the nice person,or the creepy follower?Not only will thisgive you your label,at the end I help you get RID of your label if you want!!

Created by: LoriLari
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Someone accidentally bumps into you.You:
  2. You see a bully punching someone.You:
  3. You see a fight.You:
  4. How cute are you?
  5. How popular are you?
  6. What color is your personality?
  7. What do people do when around you?
  8. Hey.
  9. How many boyfriends have you had?
  10. Lastly,what do you fear most?

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Quiz topic: Am I The Popular Jerk or The Nice Person